Roof parts and accessories

Unique gutter system by Kohút company

The company has undergone dynamic development and owner Milan Kohútt used his deep knowledge, expertise and skills for the benefit of the satisfaction of their clients. Firm has developed and implemented the most advanced technology in the production of coated metal forming the world's top producers of mainly German brand Thyssen Krupp. Roof gutter systems and accessories made ​​from these materials company has supplied not only the domestic market but also exported to the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary. Unique product of the company are gutter systems made of coated metal matte colors, which its own production manage only a few companies in Europe.

Complementary Products of the Company are diverse plumbing products manufactured to meet the most demanding requirements of our individual clients.

Parts and accessories

Štítové ukončenie


Okenná parapeta

Odvádzač vody

Diameter: 120, 100, 80cm
Width: 21cm
Height: as needed
Depth: 10cm

Odbočka zvodovej rúry

Diameter: 120, 100, 80cm
Rúra zvodová

Diameter: 120, 100, 80cm
Width: 21cm
Height: 35cm
Depth: 10cm

Strieška komína

Size: 80, 100, 120, 150, 200cm
Material: stainless steel, zinc-coated metal, copper, aluminum, coated metal
Strieška komína

Size: 80, 100, 120, 150, 200cm
Material: stainless steel, zinc-coated metal, copper, aluminum, coated metal

Strieška komína s difúznym prevedením

Size: 80, 100, 120, 150, 200cm
Material: stainless steel, zinc-coated metal, copper, aluminum, coated metal
Komínový nadstavec UNI

Size: od 100 do 200cm
Material: stainless steel, zinc-coated metal, copper, aluminum, coated metal

Otočný komínový nadstavec

Size: 100, 120, 150, 200cm
Material: stainless steel, zinc-coated metal, copper, aluminum, coated metal
Úžľabie strechy 1

Úžľabie strechy 2

Úžľabie strechy 3

RÚžľabie strechy 4

Úžľabie strechy 5

Komínové dvierka

Koleno dymové

Výmenník tepla

Size: 80, 100, 120, 150, 200cm
Koleno poplastované 72-stupňové

Diameter: 120, 100, 80cm

Koleno cínované 72-stupňové

Diameter: 120, 100, 80cm
Koleno poplastované 4-segmentové

Diameter: 120, 100, 80cm

Koleno lisované

Diameter: 120, 100, 80cm
Koleno výtokové

Diameter: 120, 100, 80cm

Roh žľabový /vnútorný,vonkajší/

Width: 33cm
Height: 25cm
Depth: 10cm
Kotlík žľabový

Diameter: 120, 100, 80cm
Width: 21cm
Height: 35cm
Depth: 10cm

Krytina strešná

Width: 120cm
Width: as needed
Hrúbka: 0.55cm
Skrutky montážne

Diameter(1): 4.8cm
Width(1): 2.5cm

Diameter(2): 4.8cm
Width(2): 3.6cm

Hák čelný

Width: 33cm
Width: 10cm
Hrúbka: 25cm

Dimensions: WE diffract profiles based on clients requirements

Koleno vrchné

Diameter: 120, 100, 80cm
Depth: 11.5cm

Koleno spodné výtokové

Diameter: 120, 100, 80cm
Depth: 11.5cm

Hák žľabový

Width: 33cm
Height: 19.5cm
Width: 25cm
Čelo žľabové

Width: 33cm
Height: 19.5cm
>Width: 25cm

Ukončenie hrebenáča nárožné

Width: 20cm
Height: 10cm
Width: 25cm
Hrebenáč s ventilačným otvorom

Width: 20cm
Height: 16.5cm
Width: 42.5cm


Width: 20cm
Height: 12cm
Dlžka: 7.5cm
Vetrák bodový

Width: 20cm
Height: 12cm
Dlžka: 26.5cm

Koleno lisované

Diameter: 120, 100, 80cm
Depth: 11.5cm

Pás vetrací

Zachytávač vody

Diameter: 120, 100, 80cm

Width: 33cm
Height: 25cm
Depth: 12cm

Kotlík žľabový

Diameter: 120, 100, 80cm
Width: 21cm
Height: 35cm
Depth: 10cm
Špic okrasný

Height: 90cm
Width: 30cm


Diameter: 120, 100, 80cm
Depth: 11.5cm


Kohút Milan, UI.N.V., 071 01 Michalovce
Tel./fax: 056/ 643-11-66 Email:
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